Product Description
Is it always necessary to provide Fire Fighting Sprinkler System?
This decision is specificto the project and can only be made by the Client or the Consultant in chargeof the project. However we can provide you with, the direction and clarityabout the subject, so that you can make the right decision. But from, our 30years of rich experience, in the fire industry and after studying more than 500companies (for Fire Protection); we highly recommend it and so do many FireFighting System Installation Companies.
How do Fire SprinklerSystems Function?
The Sprinkler is a heat sensing device. SprinklerSystems are of various types, temperature ranges and designs. The heat sensingelement (of the Sprinkler) is pointed to the floor or to the area most prone tofire. The other end of the Sprinkler is connected to a network of pipes storingwater under high pressure. Usually from 7bar to 10bar.
When there is a fire, near a Sprinkler; whose temperature is higher than thetemperature rated value of the, heat sensing element in the Sprinkler. The bulbpresent inside the Sprinkler, or the heat sensing device bursts and water nowflows through the Sprinkler Systems under pressure directly on to the fireaffected area.
All of this is automated and happens, within 3mins, of the fire being detected.In this way Fire Protection Sprinkler System is an automatic, Fire Detectionand Extinguishing System. However, Fire Sprinkler Systems was originally meantfor Fire Suppression only.
Active and AutomatedProtection :-
Fire Sprinkler Systems are sodesigned to, be completely automated. This is their major advantage above allother systems. They do not require human intervention of any kind. The basicconcept, is that fire will suppressed, at an infant stage. This will stop itfrom spreading. This is especially more advantages, if it is a residentialproject. As the Fire Protection System fights the fire, residents can beevacuated from the building. Hence, the chances of any person getting injuredor killed because of fire, are very slim. Sprinkler System for Fire Fighting isa very effective method to suppress fire or the spread of fire.